Do you require security deposits at Beverly Hills Sports Car?
In the event of any minor damage, you are billed directly on your account. Anything above that would be covered under your full coverage insurance policy. A requirement to rent from Beverly Hills Sports Car.
Are there any additional taxes due when renting from Beverly Hills Sports Car?
W have very comprehensive pricing models that enable you access to all levels of exotics at Beverly Hills Sports Car. All taxes are included in our pricing. (Tourism Taxes, Sales Taxes, etc)
Does Beverly Hills Sports Car accept Bitcoin?
Due to the volatility of cryptocurrency, we are not currently accepting bitcoin at this time.
What is the process for renting at Beverly Hills Sports Car?
Contact us with your needs. AKA airport pickup, hotel drop off, delivery to private residence. You selection of vehicle. Provide payment and proof of full coverage insurance. We do the rest.
Is there a mileage restriction at renting from Beverly Hills Sports Car?
When renting from Beverly Hills Sports Car we imagine you will be within the Los Angeles city limits. If you will be traveling outside of Los Angeles County, please make arrangements with us.
Does Beverly Hills Sports Car offer any discounts for military?
Of course!
We are proud of and support all of our US military. Please contact Beverly Hills Sports Car for discounts for both active and retired.
Does Beverly Hills Sports Car have a refund policy?
We understand that plans can change significantly in the world of our clients. Typically, cancellations need to be made within 24 hours of the date of check in to recieve a 50% refund. There will be no refunds later than that. Please understand we have reserved in some cases a million dollar asset at your request, blocking someone else from enjoying that exotic.
Are there any additional fees or costs associated with renting from Beverly Hills Sports Car?
We have very complex formulas for each model and work diligently to be transparent to our clients as to what this experience costs.
Are there any group discounts?
Beverly Hills Sports Car has been afiliated with Beverly Hills Cigar Club for over a decade. We are very accustomed to servicing groups. Contact us for more details.
What if I return the vehicle late to Beverly Hills Sports Car? Are there penalties?
Because of the nature and value of our fleet we require that everyone maintain the strict guidelines of our contracts so as to keep every client happy. We require timeliness so as to service and clean each model for the next client. We at Beverly Hills Sports Car expect you can understand this quality of service.